23 Apr USA taking off, Europe does not (yet).
Looking for signals of market revamp has become a daily task.
Indeed predict the traveller trends will turn into a more aggressive marketing strategy and then in more opportunities.
Actual scenario is about hotels waiting on starting line (while getting the organic clicks from Google).
Here a screen about countries performances – both ROI and sales volume – in the last 30 days.

Europe is recovering, but going slow on vaccine is turning into going slow in the restart.
So that’s it? US restart while EU waits?
Not really, going deeper in the data analysis we encounter some unexpected!
Here the clicks comparison: 20 February / 20 March vs 21 March / 21 April

Uh well, Italian market seems to be the one most active! It is indeed! but, yes there’s a but, Italian users seems to be not so ready to book (note the x 7.something ROI from previous chart).
So trying to summarize
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